
如何选择最合适的 PHP 函数设计模式?


如何选择最合适的 PHP 函数设计模式?

如何选择最合适的 PHP 函数设计模式?

设计模式是一组重复出现的代码结构,旨在解决特定类型的编程问题。了解不同的设计模式对于提高代码的可重用性、模块性和易维护性至关重要。在 PHP 中,有几个函数设计模式可用于各种场景。



interface Strategy {
  public function doSomething(): void;

class ConcreteStrategyA implements Strategy {
  public function doSomething(): void {
    echo "Doing something in strategy A";

class ConcreteStrategyB implements Strategy {
  public function doSomething(): void {
    echo "Doing something in strategy B";

class Context {
  private $strategy;

  public function __construct(Strategy $strategy) {
    $this->strategy = $strategy;

  public function doSomething(): void {

// 实战案例
$contextA = new Context(new ConcreteStrategyA());
$contextA->doSomething(); // Doing something in strategy A

$contextB = new Context(new ConcreteStrategyB());
$contextB->doSomething(); // Doing something in strategy B



interface Beverage {
  public function getDescription(): string;
  public function cost(): float;

class Espresso implements Beverage {
  public function getDescription(): string {
    return "Espresso";

  public function cost(): float {
    return 1.99;

class Mocha implements Beverage {
  private $beverage;

  public function __construct(Beverage $beverage) {
    $this->beverage = $beverage;

  public function getDescription(): string {
    return $this->beverage->getDescription() . ", Mocha";

  public function cost(): float {
    return $this->beverage->cost() + 0.20;

class Whip implements Beverage {
  private $beverage;

  public function __construct(Beverage $beverage) {
    $this->beverage = $beverage;

  public function getDescription(): string {
    return $this->beverage->getDescription() . ", Whip";

  public function cost(): float {
    return $this->beverage->cost() + 0.10;

// 实战案例
$beverage = new Espresso();
echo $beverage->getDescription() . " $" . $beverage->cost() . "/n"; // Espresso $1.99

$beverage2 = new Mocha($beverage);
echo $beverage2->getDescription() . " $" . $beverage2->cost() . "/n"; // Espresso, Mocha $2.19

$beverage3 = new Whip($beverage2);
echo $beverage3->getDescription() . " $" . $beverage3->cost() . "/n"; // Espresso, Mocha, Whip $2.29



interface CreditCard {
  public function getCreditCardNumber(): string;
  public function getCVV(): string;
  public function getExpirationDate(): string;

class VisaCreditCard implements CreditCard {
  private $number;
  private $cvv;
  private $expirationDate;

  public function __construct($number, $cvv, $expirationDate) {
    $this->number = $number;
    $this->cvv = $cvv;
    $this->expirationDate = $expirationDate;

  public function getCreditCardNumber(): string {
    return $this->number;

  public function getCVV(): string {
    return $this->cvv;

  public function getExpirationDate(): string {
    return $this->expirationDate;

class MasterCardCreditCard implements CreditCard {
  private $number;
  private $cvv;
  private $expirationDate;

  public function __construct($number, $cvv, $expirationDate) {
    $this->number = $number;
    $this->cvv = $cvv;
    $this->expirationDate = $expirationDate;

  public function getCreditCardNumber(): string {
    return $this->number;

  public function getCVV(): string {
    return $this->cvv;

  public function getExpirationDate(): string {
    return $this->expirationDate;

class CreditCardFacade {
  private $creditCard;

  public function __construct(CreditCard $creditCard) {
    $this->creditCard = $creditCard;

  public function makePayment($amount) {
    // Perform payment logic using the credit card information

    echo "Payment made using " . $this->creditCard->getCreditCardNumber();

// 实战案例
$visaCard = new VisaCreditCard("4111111111111111", "123", "12/24");
$masterCard = new MasterCardCreditCard("5555555555555555", "456", "11/25");

$facade1 = new CreditCardFacade($visaCard);
$facade1->makePayment(100); // Payment made using 4111111111111111

$facade2 = new CreditCardFacade($masterCard);
$facade2->makePayment(200); // Payment made using 5555555555555555

了解这些设计模式的优点和限制将帮助您在 PHP 中做出最合适的决策。通过遵循设计原则和最佳实践,您可以创建可扩展且易于维护的代码。

以上就是如何选择最合适的 PHP 函数设计模式?的详细内容,更多请关注php中文网其它相关文章!



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